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Best Way to Protect Your Household: Do a Home Inventory
When the new year arrives, it’s a great time to take a home inventory. You may have gotten a special holiday gift (jewelry, collectibles, heirlooms

Specialty Coverage: Protect Your Valuables
Do you need special coverage for jewelry and other valuables? To adequately insure high-valued items such as jewelry, watches, furs, china, and other valuable things,

Neighbor’s Tree is Dead and They Won’t Cut it Down
If you have a neighbor with a dead tree, what should you do to protect yourself and your family? Obviously, make your neighbor aware of

The Benefits of a Certified Wind Mitigation Inspection
Are you getting all the discounts you deserve on your homeowners insurance? If your home was built before March 2002, and you have replaced your roof,

Don’t Get Stuck with a High Deductible
Once upon a time, Harold had purchased his homeowners insurance online because it seemed inexpensive. This past hurricane season, a tree branch fell on Harold’s house. It

Got a Claim? Document the Damage
It’s National Fire Prevention Week, so I just want to remind you about documenting damage as a best practice if you have a claim. Sometimes
Why RV Owners Should Have Replacement Cost Coverage
If you own an RV (Recreational Vehicle) that is less than five years old, we can get you replacement cost coverage. Let’s say you paid $50,000 for
Facebook Post Ended Up Costing Her $500,000!
Do you ever see comments on Facebook that make you cringe but don’t actually specifically name the person that the comment is about? Jacqueline Hammond