DSI sells the best gifts you could buy someone that you love! These gifts are full of love, safety, and financial security! A true story (even the names are accurate!):
Auntie Heather was a new Aunt just 6 months ago! She is SO excited. She gets to go out and buy her niece a little outfit that will last about a month or less… Hmmm. That didn’t seem like it was enough. What else could she get her niece? Auntie Heather works at Darr Schackow insurance and she learned about a whole life insurance product that is designed for children. It is designed to create cash value, and provide life insurance coverage that is guaranteed for the rest of her cute little niece’s life.
If Auntie Heather puts $8/month into this gift, her niece will have over $2500 in cash value at the age of 25 AND life insurance to protect her that increases as she gets older. What if her cute little niece can’t get life insurance when she gets older because of a medical issue? What if her niece needs an emergency fund in case life happens? This gift answers those questions! Wow. A gift that lasts a lifetime!
Something else to consider is the possibility of a break-up. It could become messy if his car is covered under her insurance, whereas she could easily and quickly remove him as a driver on her policy without leaving him uninsured.
However, she should add him as a driver on her policy. Auto insurance is a contract between you and the insurance company. There is wording in the policy that requires you to add all members of your household as drivers. They may not drive your car, but they still need to be added as drivers. You should also add yourself to your boyfriend’s policy as a driver, even if you never drive his car. What happens in an emergency and you need to drive his car for some reason? You could be without coverage.
Auntie Heather is still going to get that cute little outfit, BUT, the BEST gift is the gift she got from Darr Schackow insurance that lasts a LIFETIME!
The BEST Gift You Can Buy a Loved One